The beginnings of travels

It was on the next day that all among us bore witness to a great thing.  In the afternoon, following a morning of classes and fighting, a foray set out in search of relief from the heat of the day.  That place where we were lay along a river, with forests and mountains to either side and there was a particular hill from which one could see the whole of the place. There were many camps and inviting fires as far as one could see.  All that being well, in that place where the champions of the Outlands had bested the champions of Artemesia, the bridge spanned a river of about 15 paces. So there all of our companions ventured, being Sir Mav and Sir Kalie, Sir Gabe and THL Adrien, THL Gauvain and THL Petronella, Lady Elaisse, Katie the New, and myself.  In that place did St. Ansteys, patroness of Joy, make herself known. And with Her, St. Ansteys did bear a stout branch that gave support and security to all who ventured in to the swift-flowing waters. There also was the mug of modesty which shielded these gentle souls from excess and from small temptations. Amidst great mirth, her first disciples were baptised, and all promised to share joy and happiness in all that they do, a good and right thing to do.  All present agreed and declared this Outlands River Fun Time.

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